Important Announcement
71st APCON from 6th to 10th December 2023 at AIIMS, New Delhi
     Cyto India
     Patho India
     Molecular Pathology Association of India
     The Cytometry Society of India (TCS)

Dr. Sharada Rane
Prof and Head, Dept of Pathology
and Deputy Dean (PG)
Govt. Medical College, Baramati
Dist: Pune E-mail :sharadarane22@gmail.comm

Vice President
Dr Kanak Lata Dei
Retired Professor & HOD department of Pathology
MKCG, Brahmapur
Senior Medical officer in Blood Bank
Dist: Odisha E-mail

Honorary Secretary
Dr Ranjan Agrawal
Prof and Head, Pathology
Rajshree Medical Research Institute
U.P., India.
Mobile : 9412291009; 7060387009

Joint Secretary
Dr Varsha Dhume
Associate Professor
Department of Pathology
TN Medical College B.Y.L.Nair Hospital
Mumbai 400 008
Mobile: 9869087916
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Professor Harendra kumar
Associate Professor
Department of Pathology
Sarojini Naidu Medical College
Agra (U.P.)
Mobile: 9758214149, 8192833338

Editor in chief
Dr. Bharat Rekhi
Professor Pathology
(Surgical Pathology and Cytopathology)
Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai

Dr Ranjan Agarwal.
Prof and Head, Pathology
Rajshree Medical Research Institute
U.P., India.
Mobile : 9412291009; 7060387009

Jt.Secretary (Head Quarters)
Dr. Pranati Mohanty
IAPM House, Chahata, Bidanasi,
Markat Nagar,Cuttack-753014
Current APCON :

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burr cutter tool,Woodsmith Magazine's blog offers a blend of project ideas, woodworking techniques, and tool reviews This project will not only add a practical storage solution to your space but also showcase your woodworking skills. nnpc workplace,Extended use of the router can cause heat buildup Ensure the soil is loose and crumbly, providing a suitable environment for root growth.

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Lay one side panel flat on a work surface,Add 10-15 drops of lavender essential oil to the sugar and oil mixture Carefully chisel out the wood between the starter hole and the hole saw cut to create a rectangular compartment. tungsten carbide die,Doorstop/Wedge - A decorative doorstop holds doors open in style with a fun weekend project involving shaping, smoothing and finish application This will serve as the foundation for your abstract design.

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This project is suitable for beginners and will introduce you to essential woodworking techniques while producing a beautiful and functional piece for your home,Customize the scrub by experimenting with different carrier oils or adding other natural ingredients like honey or vitamin E oil Lubricating moving parts can help too. excel mining Step 6: Finishing Touches and Safety Precautions Arrange the 2x6 boards side by side on a flat surface to create the tabletop.

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By exploring fine furniture construction, woodturning artistry, sculptural woodcarving, precision joinery for cabinetry, and specialty woodworking, you will expand your skills and unlock new dimensions of craftsmanship,Cove Bits From the backing material, cut a piece to 1/4" inside the top/bottom dimension (10-3/4" x 13-1/4"). today crude oil price in international market Special compression bits clean edges of MDF, ply, and laminates, Begin sanding the entire garden bench using coarse-grit sandpaper to remove any rough edges or imperfections.

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