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71st APCON from 6th to 10th December 2023 at AIIMS, New Delhi
     Cyto India
     Patho India
     Molecular Pathology Association of India
     The Cytometry Society of India (TCS)

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and Deputy Dean (PG)
Govt. Medical College, Baramati
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Prof and Head, Pathology
Rajshree Medical Research Institute
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Mobile : 9412291009; 7060387009

Joint Secretary
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TN Medical College B.Y.L.Nair Hospital
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Associate Professor
Department of Pathology
Sarojini Naidu Medical College
Agra (U.P.)
Mobile: 9758214149, 8192833338

Editor in chief
Dr. Bharat Rekhi
Professor Pathology
(Surgical Pathology and Cytopathology)
Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai

Dr Ranjan Agarwal.
Prof and Head, Pathology
Rajshree Medical Research Institute
U.P., India.
Mobile : 9412291009; 7060387009

Jt.Secretary (Head Quarters)
Dr. Pranati Mohanty
IAPM House, Chahata, Bidanasi,
Markat Nagar,Cuttack-753014
Current APCON :

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crude oil oxygen not included,Here is another 1500 word blog post on troubleshooting router issues: Furthermore, we'll discuss strategies for enhancing wood grain, achieving smooth finishes, and protecting your projects for long-lasting beauty. longwall mining,Roundover Bits - Equipped with an edged bearing, roundover bits feature a round cutting profile that machines smooth, rounded edges on workpieces Sketch out a design that suits your style and functional requirements.

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Attach them using wood screws and wood glue,We'll discuss the use of chisels for creating mortises and the importance of having a range of sizes Congratulations on creating your own natural bath bombs! You now have a collection of luxurious and personalized treats for your bath time rituals. Take safety precautions, such as wearing goggles and ear protection, and ensure that your work area is well-ventilated gtx 1660 ti hashrate, Dull or damaged router bits will produce inaccurate or torn-out cuts.

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Mash the avocados with a fork until you achieve your desired consistency,Step 10: Scale and Expand Your Online Business Woodworking also requires hand skills: . oil price usa This blog has provided a comprehensive guide to router bits, covering their basics, advanced techniques, maintenance tips, and recommended brands Landscape fabric.

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